Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Erotic poetry in Fat Poets Speak

There is some really beautiful erotic poetry in Fat Poets Speak 1 and 2. Some of it is overtly erotic, some is more subtle. But all of it somehow speaks to glorifying not just curves -although there is certain a healthy dose of that- but of making the world happy once more with roundness, softness, nurturing, even at times slowness and ease. However, rest assured that there are also poems that mention fat people who are hurrying, thinking very quickly, achieving, analyzing, engaging in heavily physical activity.

As mentioned previously, Kathy Barron may have come close to inventing a new poetic form of interlocking haiku. But other poets -Lesleigh Owen, Anne Kaplan- also provide engaging and fat-friendly haiku with notable success.

A rather long poem by Frannie Zellman highlights an incident that bespeaks her lust and longing for a certain young man who is willing to remark her lushness but then seems to fall short of acting on an opportunity to take advantage of its proximity, and her forgiving herself after.

Fat erotic poems..(not porn!). Love them!

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