Saturday, October 10, 2015

Roberts Station when we walked

Roberts Station when we walked

When we walked up to
or near
Roberts station,
it was only a sign
and a small shelter

and you only
had to cross one road
to be there

We walked near there
in spring
to spot cocoons
and we lagged there
in autumn
because of all the small
unnamed trees
turning red
on the sides
of the tracks

Now it has two roads
and islands
on either side
and a bypass -
parking lots
and nothing at all
growing near the tracks

on the sidewalks
are huge trees

and four cafes
within five blocks
all over over priced

instead of the small pizza
a block away

and no one walks
near the tracks

I have no idea
of what happened
to the small trees

Nothing scraggles
or slips around

It is not allowed.

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